The UK Department for Transport produces statistics relating to the maritime sector within the areas of domestic waterborne freight, ports, sea passengers, shipping fleets, and seafarers.
Eurostat presents the main results from quarterly statistics on maritime transport of goods in the European Union (EU), plus figures for Iceland, Norway and Turkey.
This annual publication provides transport-related statistics including comparative maritime data on ports, EU & world fleets, Ships Lost (World), GHG Emissions, Oil Spills at Sea, etc.
Eurostat presents recent short sea shipping (SSS) statistics covering the transport of goods between main ports in the EU-28 member states and ports situated in geographical Europe or in non-European countries on the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.
The MTC database contains data from 1991 to the most recent available year of bilateral maritime transport costs for OECD countries and selected non-member economies.
The continent also remains the largest seafarer-supplying region in the world. Four of the top five countries supplying seafarers in 2021 were from Asia.
Slow progress in digitalization and paperless transactions, lack of transparency in regulatory procedures and weaknesses in long-term planning are among the issues holding back port performance in the region.